"Well here we are into August and most of the local farms are now well into the long hours behind the wheel of the combine and tractor. We are lucky in that there are still a few local farms where collecting the harvest is a multi generational family affair. While others just book the contractors and hope that the weather is set fair for when they turn up. Either way August is the month of the constant hum of the dryers working in the grain barns and heavy machinery moving from field to field and back to the farm.
This year it was notable that we had fewer bright yellow fields of oil seed rape along the river valley slopes but instead the purple blue of Flax was visible around the village.
Although the village can no longer field a senior cricket team, the bowls club has had a good season so far, winning a local inter club tournament and managing to fulfil the majority of their fixtures.
So as we move towards September and the the Harvest festival in the local church, another farming cycle comes to a close and another begins, as it has in the village for generations and long may it continue."
Bookings at the Village Hall remain steady even through the holiday season. The Bookings Secretary remains calmly in control thanks to the Avalon Bookings Manager system we have in use.